Saturday, July 11, 2009

Midsummer blues

I don't know why I haven't blogged about this before, at this point it seems a somewhat uncurrent affair. Anyway, I'll take my chances, although we've already reached what is almost mid-July.

Norway, as you know, is blessed with long, light summer nights. Already in the very beginning of March, it is pretty light pretty late and pretty early, and this goes on well into August. Still, this never fails: Each year, around the 22nd of June, I am suddenly hit by a wave of depression. Actually, I don't want to offend those who are really diagnosed with depression, which I am not, so let's modify it to struck by a sudden feeling of sadness. Why am I sad when the summer is at its highest and the days at their longest? Because this is it, of course. This is as good as it gets. This is when the sun turns, and, although slowly, the days start getting shorter and shorter, until there is hardly any daylight left. And so I have my midsummer blues. And to tell you the truth, I don't really lose that feeling until we are approaching Christmas, and the whole process once again is reversed. From then on things only get better.

When I am writing this, I realize what a complex person I really am. You see, the thing is that I kind of prefer the dark. The endless summer nights are stressful. I mean: Vi skal ikkje sova burt sumarnatta and all that. You can't go to bed when it's light, the kids definitely don't want to go to sleep, and when you (for some reason) wake up at 5 or 6 or some other ungodly time, it's so light outside that you can't seem to go back to sleep again.

So why do I get my midsummer blues when the sun turns? I don't know, but I do.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Motherhood and other trivialities

I'm really having trouble finding stuff to blog about. My friend Thugnanny, who has been even worse than me when it comes to blogging, has suddenly produced something like five blog entries in no time at all, whereas I have nothing. One should think that I had plenty of things to blog about. Like for instance the fact that I gave birth to my third child less than three weeks ago. But let's face it - who likes to read all those crappy blogs about babies and motherhood? Well, mine would of course be different: funny, interesting and perhaps also thought-provoking (haha), but still, the idea of me blogging about motherhood is somewhat alien. And besides, I don't blog about stuff that matters - I only blog about trivial stuff. And giving birth is not trivial. It is something else that start with a "t" - TERRIBLE! I mean, it is the worst pain you can imagine. Strike that - it is the worst unimaginable pain. So be it that it only took two hours from my arrival at the hospital until the kid was out - those were the most painridden two hours of my life. They say you forget the pain when the baby is out. I will tell you the truth - you don't. So, I am the proud mother of three, but that's it. I have had it with the pain.

Whaddayasay - I actually managed to blog about something close to motherhood and babies. That's a good girl!