Let me first of all make one thing clear: I do not change the tires on our car. My husband does. Not because we are a family where we divide domestic chores in a traditional/conservative way - because we don't - but let's just say that I once had a bad experience with changing tires on my parents' car, and since then I've let others handle that particular task.
My husband doesn't particularly like changing tires. He does it, and he does it without complaining, but he doesn't like it. So when I saw this add in the newspaper that it was possible to have the tires changed at a car store today for next to no money (NOK 25 per tire), I figured this could be something good for the enTIRE family.
So we brought our two sons,went to Auto23, filled out a registration form, and were shown into a cafeteria were we could wait, since it probably would take something like 1,5 hours. Oh, what a delight. In the cafeteria they were serving waffles, Christmas cookies, chocolate, pizza, coffee and soda. FOR FREE! So, with three persons able to eat and drink, it didn't take long before we had gotten our money's worth in food and drink alone, long before the snow tires were on. And when our car was ready, there was a goody bag on the front seat, containing even more stuff, ranging from pens to perfume samples.
Ahh, the feeling of saving money. There's not much that can beat it. And yes, I'm sure Auto23 achieved what they wanted too - a possible future customer with a quite positive view of their store.