My husband left yesterday, which meant that I had to take my daughter to choir practice, and bring my son along. This I should be able to do quite successfully, since I have actually done it before. I planned to take my son to a mall nearby to buy him new pants while his sister was singing, but my son didn't particularly like the idea. So we stayed at the church. Until it was 20 minutes until choir practice ended. Then he decided that he wanted to go buy pants. Knowing that we didn't have enough time, I still took him under my arm, ran to the car and drove to the mall. Grabbing the first two pair of pants that I saw, and getting in line to pay pretty quickly, this could possibly have worked out. If it wasn't for two things: the line was endless, and when I had finally paid, my son was gone.
I admit that I'm a bit careless when it comes to keeping my kids close at all times, knowing that at some point or another they will turn up again. However, this becomes a problem when you are in a hurry, as I was yesterday. My son was nowhere to be seen, and the store was quite big, not to mention the rest of the mall, which he quite easily possibly could have entered. Calling out his name, realizing that choir practice was over and my daughter was probably standing outside, crying in the rain, I started panicking. I asked a clerk if she had seen a little blond fellow, 3 years old, yea high, and she - seeming even more alarmed than me - helped me look for him. Pretty soon I saw him, coming towards me, bringing with him the following items he wanted me to buy: 1) a Cars umbrella, 2) a Cars shirt & shorts 3) a pink play cell phone holder for his sister.
Angry at this point, knowing that my daughter for sure was panicking (she doesn't deal well with situations like this), I pulled the items out of his hands, and again with a three-year old under my right arm (crying this time), I ran towards the car. Driving as fast as I could (which was not fast, since there was a big soccer game that night- Deportivo La Coruña was visiting, and Brann Bergen was playing for a spot in the UEFA cup), I reached the church ten minutes after choir practice was over. And, sure enough - there was my daughter, standing outside, and - like an Everly brother - she did her crying in the rain. Another parent had mercifully taken upon herself to wait with my daughter, but my daughter was beyond comforting. I totally blamed my son for everything, and sort of got away with it, but seeing my daughter all teared up, I decided to wait a while until I take my son shopping for pants again.
That was Thursday. Come Friday morning, I had to bring my daughter to school. Poor girl - having a mother who is never on time cannot be easy for someone who is traumatized by the mere thought of being only a minute late. Managing to actually deliver her on time (albeit having had to take the car for a distance of 600 meters to make it), she (HORROR!) discovered that her mother had not brought the math book they were supposed to use that day. Again, tears started rolling down her cheeks. So, what could I do, but promise her that I would drive back, get the book, and bring it to her, even though I was starting to run late for a doctor's appointment for my son who was getting his plaster cast off.
So, here I am, Friday night, relieved that the weekend is here, with no school, no kindergarten and no appointments to be late for. Kids in bed, and nothing to prepare for the next few days at work, there is just one thing that keeps bothering me: Why on earth has this blog not made the "Blogs of note" yet?
1 comment:
Well, what can I say?
Sometimes you see the things that you want to see.
Anyway, funniest blog on the web, that's for sure!
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