It took me some time to dare to talk about these dreams to the people close to me, but then, since I didn't really feel that the dreams represented my inner desires, I though what the heck, so now I'm telling everybody who is interested (not that many).
I don't only dream about having sex. Lately I've been having lots of dreams that I am giving inspiring talks to my students, like "You could all become good readers. Not everybody must necessarily read Tolstoy or Dostoevsky, but perhaps you can enjoy Roald Dahl, or Harry Potter!" Also lately, I have often dreamt that my mouth is filled with gum that sticks to my teeth, and I have to use my fingers to get it out because it is so sticky. I also have a combination dream: I am giving an inspiring speech at the same time as my mouth is filled with sticky gum (sometimes turning out to be clay).
So, care to interpret, anyone?
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