Thursday, August 20, 2009

Trash, trampoline and the party girl

I really only have the title. Isn't it the most wonderful title? Trash, trampoline and the party girl. I love it. Unfortunately it is not my own title - it's Bono's. You should listen to the song - it makes you want to jump on a trampoline. My beloved flatmate of two years (98-Y2K) said it when I played the CD once: "I feel like jumping on a trampoline!" And this was without any knowledge of the title, and without the word trampoline being mentioned in the text. That's the power of the beautiful, beautiful Trash, trampoline and the party girl


Thugnanny said...

Hahaha lovely blogg my dear. Your roommate sounds lovely, I wish I could meet her one day.

Darling Nikki said...

Haha, I didn't see this comment before now. Yes, my roommate was (and still is, although she no longer is my roommate) the best roommate evah. That was a freaking good time, I'm telling you!