2) People believing teachers have more vacation days than the rest of the population
3) The fact that there is British stand-up on NRK3 every freaking time I turn the tv on, regardless of time of day
3)E-mails from the Spanish tourist information
4)Paying for having the post office not put mail in our mailbox when we are out of town
5)New people at work acting like they have been there forever on the first day
7)People with nice gardens

To indulge everyone, here's my own pathetic attempt to embrace several of the things I'm sick of. Enjoy, or have a laugh, up to you.
hahaha love the list Darling but as for the blogs - we couldn't be further apart and that hurts. As for the kids - ok fine, I can relate to that, but as for the interior blogs - I'm hooked! I read many a day and dream that one day my house will be as lovely as theirs...hoping, yearning...but no - still the same old. My pathetic attempts to pimp up my flat are ...well yes, pathetic, but I have not given up. Big props to the rest of your list and to you for blogging like a champion!
Hehe, thanks for the support. Since our fellow friend complained about our absence from the blogging sphere, I figured it was about time..
And your house is gorgeous! Just like all the houses in interior blogs. Which is kind of why I'm sick of them (the blogs, not you or your house).
You should really post more often, I enjoy your writings. It are the things on my mind I can't get on paper.
Ps. I didn't know women could suffer from the PeterPan-Complex as well :)
A stranger commenting on my blog! That's a pleasant surprise! I will definitely try to blog more frequently now. And yes - women can for sure suffer from the Peter Pan complex!
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