For my birthday last fall, my girlfriend gave me Der Prozess. I presume it was meant like a joke, the fierce critique put forward by our French friend still fresh in mind, but I eagerly started reading it. That is, I read 1.5 pages. Then I for some reason stopped, and I have not read another page since. I have asked myself why a hundred times: Was it too boring? Was it too painful? Were the 1.5 pages enough to torment my soul like Kafka's soul (again according to our French friend) truly must have been tormented? Or was it, God forbid, to
o intellectual reading material for me? The truth is: I do not know. But with the darling buds of May, sunshine and shiny happy people everywhere, I have decided to take up Kafka. I will give him another try, and I don't intend to stop until I've reached rock bottom of this Prague magical mystery tour
Hahaha you SHOULD finish the book -joke or not, you should always respect the wonderful person who gave you this gift enough to read it. Enjoy the Great K!
I do cherish and respect the wonderful person who gave me this book. May the spirit of the Great K always keep an eye on that truly beautiful person.
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