Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008
Discoveries when googling oneself
Friday, September 19, 2008
Loch Ness, Blogs of Note and My Shortcomings as a Mother

My husband left yesterday, which meant that I had to take my daughter to choir practice, and bring my son along. This I should be able to do quite successfully, since I have actually done it before. I planned to take my son to a mall nearby to buy him new pants while his sister was singing, but my son didn't particularly like the idea. So we stayed at the church. Until it was 20 minutes until choir practice ended. Then he decided that he wanted to go buy pants. Knowing that we didn't have enough time, I still took him under my arm, ran to the car and drove to the mall. Grabbing the first two pair of pants that I saw, and getting in line to pay pretty quickly, this could possibly have worked out. If it wasn't for two things: the line was endless, and when I had finally paid, my son was gone.
I admit that I'm a bit careless when it comes to keeping my kids close at all times, knowing that at some point or another they will turn up again. However, this becomes a problem when you are in a hurry, as I was yesterday. My son was nowhere to be seen, and the store was quite big, not to mention the rest of the mall, which he quite easily possibly could have entered. Calling out his name, realizing that choir practice was over and my daughter was probably standing outside, crying in the rain, I started panicking. I asked a clerk if she had seen a little blond fellow, 3 years old, yea high, and she - seeming even more alarmed than me - helped me look for him. Pretty soon I saw him, coming towards me, bringing with him the following items he wanted me to buy: 1) a Cars umbrella, 2) a Cars shirt & shorts 3) a pink play cell phone holder for his sister.
Angry at this point, knowing that my daughter for sure was panicking (she doesn't deal well with situations like this), I pulled the items out of his hands, and again with a three-year old under my right arm (crying this time), I ran towards the car. Driving as fast as I could (which was not fast, since there was a big soccer game that night- Deportivo La Coruña was visiting, and Brann Bergen was playing for a spot in the UEFA cup), I reached the church ten minutes after choir practice was over. And, sure enough - there was my daughter, standing outside, and - like an Everly brother - she did her crying in the rain. Another parent had mercifully taken upon herself to wait with my daughter, but my daughter was beyond comforting. I totally blamed my son for everything, and sort of got away with it, but seeing my daughter all teared up, I decided to wait a while until I take my son shopping for pants again.
That was Thursday. Come Friday morning, I had to bring my daughter to school. Poor girl - having a mother who is never on time cannot be easy for someone who is traumatized by the mere thought of being only a minute late. Managing to actually deliver her on time (albeit having had to take the car for a distance of 600 meters to make it), she (HORROR!) discovered that her mother had not brought the math book they were supposed to use that day. Again, tears started rolling down her cheeks. So, what could I do, but promise her that I would drive back, get the book, and bring it to her, even though I was starting to run late for a doctor's appointment for my son who was getting his plaster cast off.
So, here I am, Friday night, relieved that the weekend is here, with no school, no kindergarten and no appointments to be late for. Kids in bed, and nothing to prepare for the next few days at work, there is just one thing that keeps bothering me: Why on earth has this blog not made the "Blogs of note" yet?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Child bride and Mendelssohn's
I'm back at work, and my students have arrived - new ones as well as my old classes. Seeing again my sophomores yesterday was a weird experience. It turns out that one of my students, a girl at 17, who has been engaged since late spring, was about to get married that very same day.
Oh my!
But I don't think that receiving those breaking news freaked me out as much as the reaction of my co-class teacher did. This is a drama class, and my co-teacher is a drama teacher. For those of you who know the sort, it can hardly come as a surprise that some of these have somewhat eccentric ideas about how to proceed in life. So, what does my co-teacher suggest? Oh, nothing less than commanding this girl to stand on her desk whereas we, teachers and co-students, should hum the melody of Mendelssohn's Wedding March. He, the drama teacher, should start out very softly, then I should join him, and then, one by one the other students, until this fine humming orchestra reached the bride-to-be, where it should enter into an ecstatic humming symphony tutto la forza.
My oh my.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Summer misc.
So far I have been camping with family and slept two nights in tent,
I've had a project going the week I spent in my hometown. See, I got myself a new cell phone, a Sony Ericsson with a step counter on it. Yes, I guess I did know that my activity level these last few years has not reached the desired level, but little did I know that having a step counter would be such a slap in the face. You are supposed to walk about 10 000 steps each day. My average number of steps has been something like 5000. So, to make up for this, I decided to reach 15 000 steps every day for this one week. Did I manage? Yes I did. Did I do this fair and square? Well, you be the judge of that.
I have (with mild force from my husband) been doing a lot of walking this week. But I have also discovered a lot of other ways to collect steps. Badminton is one. It is amazing how many steps an hour or so of intense badminton playing will give you. So far, so good, you can hardly call this cheating. But after a few days, and with other activities seeming somewhat more appealing than walking, I became worried that my project would end up a failure. Desperate means call for desperate measures, so when I felt that I was more in need of, say, sleep than walk, I started sending my cell phone with other family members when they were out walking. And when I was really desperate, I simply placed the cell phone on the phone holder in the car when driving, as I had discovered that this really got the steps running. So, my project was a great success, and with my newfound knowledge, I think I will even manage to keep my number of steps where they should be, namely around 10 000.
A few days in Bergen now, before I am heading for Turkey. Danish foreign ministry warns against traveling to Turkey because of recent terrorist attacks in Istanbul. I am more worried about the heat.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Smiley Tyranny
What am I talking about? The perceptive reader must know by now: I am of course talking about the trend, the tendency, the habit of putting smileys or winks or whatever you like to call them in all kinds of writings. We, the people, have become so stupid, or we think that others are so stupid, or easily offended, that ;-) or :-) or ;-P or ;-S or whatnot must be put in at the end of all kinds of sentences. If irony is used, be sure to place a ;-) after it, so that the recipient will not think you are being serious and thus be offended. And if you are wishing somebody a great day, make sure that you don't forget the :-) or the :-D at the end, since if you do forget, the recipient will surely not understand that this is a sincere wish on your part. And just to make sure that you don't come off as mad or angry or generally depressed, sprinkle your text with smiles and winks. That way you don't get the reaction that I got on MSN messenger once. I hijacked my (younger) brother's conversation with a girlfriend, pretending that I was my brother. Keeping up what I thought was a nice and friendly conversation, I got the following message: "Why are you so pissed?" Ouch - I had forgotten the smileys!
So be it with text messages and Internet chats, but must this Smiley Tyranny enter all kinds of spheres? My students surely believe that smileys can be a natural part of otherwise formal texts, but when the bank-person who signed for my mortgage starts using smileys in her correspondence with me, that is borderline weird, if you ask me. For goodness sake: I owe that bank more than 2 million NOK, and a ":-)" is not going to make me happier about that!
So, fellow bloggers (who am I kidding, this blog only has three readers, and one of them is

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Summer's almost here
About the strike: It ended after pathetic one and a half weeks. And what did we achieve? Close to nothing. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. I'm thinking about leaving the Union, but then again; what is the alternative? And also, I have all of my insurances through my union, and I don't see me getting equally good deals elsewhere. So I guess I'll stay, but only for purely selfish reasons, not because I think they're doing a particularly good job for me or my fellow academics. And of course: who would turn down the opportunity to one day perhaps be able to wear this oh-so-fitting striking t-shirt once again?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
EURO 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008
Strike, Stoltzen and Sayonara
A couple of days ago, two girlfriends and I walked for the first time this year
Today the Hungarians left. They ended up staying four weeks, unfortunately without getting a job in the city. I grew quite fond of them after the initial chattering, and I was sad to see them leave. Sure, Mr. Chatterbox and I had our disputes - like when he told me to buy wiener sausages instead of grill, failing to comprehend that I actually prefer grill - but the good thing about people who are upfront is that you can be just as upfront back, leaving no room for discontented murmuring behind each other's backs.
They have surely been a blessing to us. These last two weeks, they have had dinner ready for us every day when we got back from work (or strike), they have made a table from year 2000 and a piano from 1829 look new again, and as already mentioned they actually created a garden out of wilderness in the back of our house. Mr. Chatter (among other things) is a painter, and we now have no less than five of his paintings in our possession. I really hope our paths will cross again, and that I once more will be able to get a headache from too much talk.
Lastly: Rune Rudberg allegedly slept with 1000 women (but I'm sure this number has increased by now), and as for Kafka: I am still only on 1.5 pages. What's wrong with me?
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Interior architects, lunching on a crossbeam and Rune Rudberg
Luckily I was there with my husband, and as I'm sure you know, there's nothing like being with a person you know really well at a party where you know practically none. As long as there are people (or objects!) to make fun of, of course. This time, the first thing my husband pointed my attention to, was that the only picture the hosts had on their wall, was Charles C. Ebbets’s iconic 1932 photograph “Construction Workers Lunching on a Crossbeam.”

Next, we notice a guy who looks like Rune Rudberg. Now, those of you who are not Norwegians out there probably do not know who Rune Rudberg is. Although he certainly is notorious in Norway, I don't think his fame has crossed the borders. Anywho, I always see people who look like celebrities or otherwise infamous people when I'm out, and I'm pretty used to the people I'm with not agreeing with the celebrity look-a-like. This time not so: Another friend of my husband turned up at the party with his girlfriend, and this girlfriend said the exact same thing to her boyfriend that I said to mine: "Look, there's Rune Rudberg!" Which surely had us discussing this Norwegian singer, who owes most of his fame to his boasting of having slep

The rest of the evening we spent discussing whether or not Alanis Morissette's "Ironic" can really be said to deal with ironic incidents. So, all in all, this was a very nice party indeed.
Oh, well; I have to stop now, google is awaiting me.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Mid-May resolution regarding Kafka

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Garden work and piano moving
Saturday, May 3, 2008
A mind-blowing experience...
Today it is going better, I guess I'm getting used to it.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Hungarian visitors
So, who are these people? I do not know. I have never met them. They are sent to me here in Bergen by my mother who lives in another part of the country. From what I learn one is a chatterbox (the Georgian one) and the other one is mute (the Hungarian one). And they are here to try to find work.
I dreamt about them as I was taking a nap earlier: The chatterbox called me and said: "We have arrived in Oslo now, when do you think the bus for Bergen will leave?" To which I replied: "Oh, no! In Oslo?! You were not supposed to switch buses!!" I pray that my dream will not come true, and that they will not end up in Oslo, that strange city no one escapes until it it has left its mark on him..
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Scientology Church personality test
First I had to fill in name, age, gender, occupation and contact info. Well Professor Cecilia van der Bilt in Utrecht, Netherlands (wow: Professor at the age of 24 - that IS impressive!): if you are out there somewhere and you get the Scientology Church on your neck, please forgive me. I couldn’t give my real name of course, that goes without saying.
And then, the test: No less than 200 questions, where you had three options; yes, no or something in between. This test is supposed to show you your weaknesses and strengths based on your answers to these questions. Of course; the analysis of your answers will only be given to you in full by a trained analyst at your nearest Scientology Church, so I knew that I wouldn’t fully comprehend my personality when not giving my real name and contact info. But since there was the promise of a graph which would give me an indication, that was a risk I was willing to take.
Well, let me tell you straight away: there was no such graph. Needless to say, I was devastated: I had (more or less) truthfully answered 200 questions about everything from my opinion about color bar and class distinction to whether or not I am a slow eater, and their response is to simply leave me in the dark regarding my personality? Of course, the girl who committed suicide had a score of minus 100 , so I guess the analysis could go both ways, but I’m telling you people: do you want to dig into your strengths and weaknesses - search somewhere else, because you will not find your answers simply doing the Internet test with a fake name!
Of course: the test itself is quite entertaining, and you might find out a couple of things about yourself by simply answering the questions. Then again, if you have a fairly good grip on what kind of person you are, you really don’t need this test to tell you. Take me, for example: I already knew that I’m not into meeting new people, even without answering a firm ”NO” to the question ”Do you “circulate around” at a social gathering?”. There should have been a follow-up question “Do you even like to attend social gatherings when there are people there you don’t know?”, and my answer would still be a firm “NO”.
Well, I’ve made a top 5 list of my favorite questions from the test. This part was really hard, since there are so many questions I would like to include. In fact, I could have divided the questions into a lot of different groups, my three favorites one being “Questions that might lead you to commit suicide, if you’re into that line of thought”, “Questions that, if answered positively, will lead to the conclusion that you’re mentally unstable” (also applicable to category 1) and “Questions that will reveal whether or not you’re a racist and/or a psychopath”. In the list below, however, I’ve not considered the category the questions belong to, I’ve just picked the ones I found the most amusing. Ok, here goes, in reverse order:
5. Would it take a definite effort on your part to consider the subject of suicide?
4. Do you often “sit and think” about death, sickness, pain or sorrow? (Here I have to say: the Scientology Church seems really fond of quotation marks: at least one fourth of the questions include some)
3.Do you often sing or whistle just for the fun of it?
2. Do you often give away articles which strictly speaking do not belong to you?
1. Do you browse through railway timetables, directories or dictionaries just for pleasure?
My very favorite question, though, is question number 200: “Do you sometimes feel that your age is against you (too young or too old)?”
Sweet mother: indeed I do, and I certainly dont need the Church of Scientology to point that out for me.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Memoirs from a mid life crisis?
I pity the people who spend a lot of time with me. They must be sick and tired of hearing about wrinkles, an increasing number of grey hairs and a body in decay. All of this combined with the spirit and mentality of a 24 year old (yeah, I took a test that I found somewhere on the Internet, I’m sure it’s scientifically based) - that smells of disaster.
Anywho - it’s not all bad. Mid life crisis or not, there are still fun moments in my life. It’s just not that fun when you have to experience them with a rollator.